Smiling Within (small format)


In her down-to-earth, humourous style, Swamini Krishnamrita Prana shares a wealth of wisdom in her fifth book highlighting the spiritual teachings of the Holy Mother, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi. She reveals a unique perspective, gained through living so closely with Amma for over thirty years. Swamini Krishnamrita makes Amma's teachings easily accessible and shows us through practical examples, how to incorporate them into our daily lives.

Amma constantly inspires and amazes us with the positive energy She continuously offers the world. Her smile radiates the bliss She has found within. Amma teaches us through Her shining example that, "Happiness is a decision just like any other decision." She reminds us that there is no path to happiness, but rather happiness is the path. If we simply change our attitude and decide to be happy, we can.

Discover ultimate joy and freedom - learn to look within your Self and smile.