On the Road to Freedom, vol 2 - A Pilgrimage in India


Told with innocence, wry humor and genuine insight, this revealing story gives us a first-hand glimpse of the beauty and trials of the path to self-realisation. This book takes up the thread where Volume 1 left off, bringing the reader through Swamiji's first years with Amma in India and his sannyasa (formal initiation into monastic life). It also includes a rare look at Amma in the early years and includes many rare pictures of her. Like Swami's first book this is a definite classic.

Swami Paramatmananda Puri is a senior disciple of the great woman saint of Kerala, India, Amma. He came to settle in her ashram in 1980 after having spent 12 years in Ramana Maharshi's ashram in Tiruvannamalai. Born in America and familiar with the analytical Western mind, yet having fully lived and imbibed Eastern spiritual truths, he is able to present those truths in a manner which is readily understood by everyone.