Olivi - Greek Organic Native Olive Oil Extra - 0,5L


Olivi Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a product of the Nikolopoulos Estate family business from the Kalamata region.

It is obtained 100% from Koroneiki olives, exclusively by cold pressing using mechanical processes.

These olive trees grow in the family's own semi-mountainous olive groves in the village of Diodia, 30 km west of Kalamata. The mild climate of the region, the ideal altitude of 400 m and the calcareous soil favor the cultivation of Koroneiki olive trees and result in a high quality oil.

Bio Olivi oil carries the European organic seal. It is a filtered olive oil of the highest quality and is considered to be one of the best olive oils in the world, both in terms of taste and composition.

The most important feature of this olive oil is its high polyphenol content, which enhances the other health-promoting properties of olive oil: it has a remarkable antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect and helps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels (LDL), among other things.

It contains large amounts of monounsaturated fatty acids with a very low acidity of up to 0.3%. The oil has an intense fragrance and a fruity, slightly lemony aroma.