Love is my religion V1


Love is my religion by Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi.

Amma calls us to the miracle of Love. 

A mighty force of Love in action, Amma has embraced nearly forty million people and her volunteer network Embracing the World provides disaster relief, food, medical care, homes, schools and sustainable villages for millions of poor, large-scale tree plantings, collaborative research among hospitals and colleges aimed at uplifting humanity.

Widely loved and revered as a major spiritual presence, Mata Amritanandamayi is a recurring speaker at the United Nations and recipient of numerous humanitarian awards.

In a sweeping collection of quotations from her talks and conversations, this great Soul illumines the way to Love, Consciousness and Peace. Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.