Grandma's Ramayana


The Rāmāyaṇa Is A Carrier Of Our Cultural Values, And Not Just Advice.

When We Read Or Listen To A Narration Of The Rāmāyaṇa And Imbibe Its Sweetness, Our Inherent Nobility Is Awakened Without Our Knowing. The Rāmāyaṇa Has The Power To Turn Us Towards The Truth. That Is Why It Has Been Translated Into So Many Languages, Become Popular In So Many Countries, And Struck A Chord In The Hearts Of So Many People. May The Stories Of Śrī Rāma, The Embodiment Of Dharma, And Sītā Dēvī, The Personification Of Chastity, Take Root In The Hearts Of The Younger Generation Through Our Mothers, Fathers And Families. Then Social Life Will Become Meaningful