Compassion - The only Way to Peace (B)


Inspired by the depiction of Amma in Jan Kounen's 2005 documentary "Darshan: the Embrace", the French film association Cinema Verite presented Amma with its 2007 Prix Cinema Verite for her contributions in fostering world peace and harmony. The award was presented to Amma in an art theater in Place de la Bastille, Paris, by Academy Award-nominated actress Sharon Stone.

"Compassion: the Only Way to Peace" is Amma's response to Cinema Verite's request for Amma to deliver an address on the increasing occurences of war, violence and natural disasters seen in the world today. In the address, Amma presents a realistic and constrictive analysis of the current global situation, pointing to specific areas of disharmony and explaining how only a compassionate outlook can bring about their rectification. This booklet contains Amma's entire speech given at this conference.